Monday, January 1, 2007

And a New Year has Begun....

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Happy New Year 2007

This is my year to lose weight and get healthier. I have a long way to go, but you take it one day at a time. I am looking forward to getting some nice projects finished and having time to do them and not rushing. My yarn for the two sweaters should be here around Wednesday so I can start on those. I only do about 4-6 rows of the blanket pattern at a time because I get distracted and lose my place then make a mistake and have to frog the whole row. I am also doing another red hat with some eye lash on it so my arms are kind of broken out from it.

Still have the swelling but it went down last evening and reswelled some overnight. As Alice says, "Curiouser and Curiouser." I am just going to continue with the ice today and see if it goes down completely. We think I might have been bit by something in my sleep night before last.

Here are some pictures of my family.

This is my son, Jack and daughter-in-law, Alicia. They are the ones having the new baby in June .
My daughter, Kelly, son-in-law, Tom, and grandson, Thomas

The love of my life, Jack. This was our very first trip to Las Vegas in the front entrance of the Orleans Hotel and Casino. They have a New Orleans theme and this was two alligators their mascot playing the instruments.

I guess I better get the morning started. For me, it isn't coffee as I don't touch the stuff, but maybe a nice cup of hot chocolate and some knitting time before the household is up and around!
As the sands in the Hourglass, so are the days of my life.....

1 comment:

MarDi said...

What a beautiful family!

I hope you had a nice New Years day. All my family was here, it was lovely. :)

Thank you for your New Years wishes. It will indeed be a great 2007 if I can gain experience with my knitting!