Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Here we go again (gosh I hope not)....

For those of you who don't know, Jack had open heart bypass surgery on Sept 18, 2006. One weird side effect from the surgery was his immune system got all screwed up and about a week after he was home from the hospital, he started having these strange swellings. It would start with an itching, for example in his hand, then it would swell up like a balloon and be bright red for a couple days, then just go away all by itself and somewhere else would start to itch and do the same thing. He had it happen with toes, hands, fingers, feet, belly area, underarm, upper arm, face, legs, just about everywhere at least once. We ended up having to take him to the ER one afternoon when his tongue swelled up huge and I was concerned about choking or breathing issues. To sum it all up, after that, his cardiologist suggested an allergist to get to the root of the probelm and a couple weeks later got in to see the one my grandson sees. Only problem, the swellings had completely stopped! The doctor ran some allergy tests and put him on Allegra for 3 weeks, which I wasn't sure why as the swelling had stopped, but... Well, last evening both bottoms of his feet started itching and swelled up tight and he was in pain all night and with that and the cold didn't get any sleep so he is staying home today. I am hoping it was from his new work shoes and not the stuff starting over again, but I am keeping a watch out and if it goes away and pops up somewhere else back to the allergist he goes. He had finished what the dr wanted him to take with the Allegra, but I gave him one early this morning to see if it would help any. His fever broke in the night and his side of the bed is wet so I brought the animals downstairs and told him to get into my side of the bed and go back to sleep until he had to call in sick to work.

On the bright side, my yarns should be here today! Whoopeee! Oh and here is a peek at how the blanket is coming along for the baby. I have 7 more patterns before I finished and yesterday was one of those days where my hands hurt most of the day and I didn't get a lot finished on it so I will tackle it again today.

First day with the weight loss stuff went a-ok. It is getting used to ignoring the head hunger again. That is the toughest part for people I think if distinguishing from your head telling you that you are hungry and your tummy saying it is time to eat.

I feel we are on our way to
las vegas
Custom Smiley
. I have put the deposit down on the hotel and next month I hope to buy the airline tickets if they are available yet. So far, they don't have the flights scheduled that far in advance. We really feel we are going once we have the hotel and plane tickets lined up. It is still quite hot out there that time of year so I have to work hard to get back into the cute summer clothes I bought for the first trip we went on. I do have to buy some more tops and another pair of sandals. I only buy Clarkes sandals to wear as they are top notch to walk around in and not have blisters or hurt feet and not get tired walking. I have worn my first pair out. They are so good I actually do my treadmill work in them most of the time because they are lighter than my New Balance shoes.

I guess I should put some fresh batteries in my cd player and get to the treadmill and get it over with! I am not a fan of the treadmill but I don't want to get dressed and go out walking this morning.

Flirty"Love Means never having to say you're sorry" Jennifer Cavilleri
Donna Wilkinson "Love Means always being willing to say you're sorry."

1 comment:

MarDi said...

Good morning!

The treadmill! Eeeek, no, not yet! I'm still sipping my morning coffee and letting breakfast settle... but within the hour, I'll be treadmilling away! lol

The baby blanket is gorgeous! I love the color, and the heart pattern is just precious. :)

Poor Jack! :( I hope he'll be feeling much better after a good day's rest... perhaps making plans for your vacation will help him feel loads better too!