Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Well, I am guessing on that because I haven't been outside yet, but I don't hear any wind or rain and the temp says it is 43, but it also says rain, so I better finish this quick before my heading is no longer correct! Lol

I am bound and determined to get my red hat finished today. I didn't get my noodles made last night either because I looked at the clock and it was already after 8 PM and I didn't want to have to clean up the mess that late so I am going to have to jump on them this morning or Jack is going to have to get no yolks. I am not too fond of store bought noodles except the German or Amish type. Chalk it up to growing up German and living only about 30 miles from an Amish community when I was growing up.

Today is bill paying day, oh joy! Then the weekend is going to be packed with stuff I have to do, Red Hat lunch, haircuts for Jack and I, Vet appt for Fortune on Monday, carpets to shampoo this weekend, commissary to go to (of course that is my favorite chore Not)and on and on. Most of it can't be done until the weekend either. So, I need to get some of the housecleaning I do at the end of the week started today again. Seems housecleaning day comes around faster and faster, but then the faster it comes around the closer to Slots I will be. Oh to be that little smiley and win the jackpot!

I just noticed my felted purse is shedding! I have an I Love Lucy wallet and she is covered in Frenzy thread. May have to give her a shave! Eyebrow

I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend!

Goodbye for now!



Unknown said...

A trip to the Commissary!? Boy, that brings back memories for me! Not only am I an Army brat I was also active duty for 10 years and worked in the Commissary! (In Germany and the US)

MarDi said...

It's a very sunny day in my neighborhood, but it's very cold! At the moment it's 31 degrees, but this morning was 19 when I left the house. Maybe there's snow in my future, finally!

Bill paying day! I run and hide when it's bill paying day! LOL

MarDi said...

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! Consider that cannoli YOURS!! :D I love cannoli!

Hope you've had a great day!