Monday, January 22, 2007

I am in a knitting hamster wheel...

I'm knitting and I can't get up!!!!! I am on my third and very last layette set. I talked to my dil yesterday, who doesn't know I made one for her and ask for a friend of her's address so I could send her a baby gift. She is due a couple months after Alicia and Jack and I became friendly with her when my son and dil started dating. I think she went to college with Alicia. She is a tv commercial producer in Chicago. Anyway, Alicia told me yesterday she was going to call Jorie and tell her someone was sending her a present so I figured I better get it going. I have one bootie to finish up this morning then start and finish the sweater and I am done with it. I am trying to get time constraint stuff done first, except for the blanket, which is of course frustrating that I haven't finished it.

We kind of lazed around yesterday except I did clean the downstairs late yesterday afternoon. Watched the movie, "The Black Dahlia" which except for a great butt shot of Josh Harnett, wasn't a particularly great movie. It focused too much on the two cops and not enough on the murder itself in my opinion. It was interesting enough to watch all the way through though. Last weekend Jack and I sat down to watch "Talledaga Nights" and found it so foul we turned it off after about 15 minutes in. I don't find obnoxious children funny and they had this dinner table scene where the kids are just awful so we turned it off and sent it back pronto.

We are still trying to get my poor husband his referral to go to his cardiologist on the 14th. You can't do anything but leave a message and Jack has been trying for like 2 weeks. He now is going to have to make a dr appt so he can get one, which is a pain, because we shouldn't have to pay for an office visit for him just to get a darn piece of paper. Lord, I do hate our medical practice. Hopefully, he can get somewhere with it all today.

We should know sometime on Wednesday whether we are going to have another grandson or a granddaughter. Alicia has her ultrasound on Wed. I am keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for a boy, but we shall see. We are excited waiting to hear then I can go and buy the shower outfits I want to get from Ralph Lauren. I am dying to buy them, but want to buy gender stuff.

It is off to do some Cleaning The Toilet Vacuum Dusting Mopping cleaning upstairs.
Have a delicious day everyone and I am out of here for now!


1 comment:

MarDi said...

You've made two layettes and you're starting a third during all the time that I've been working on one silly blueberry scarf! How do you do it??? LOL

I can't believe that your husband still hasn't his referral, that's so frustrating. I hope he has luck with it today.

Have a wonderful day, Donna!