Sunday, January 28, 2007

Progress for Progress Sake...

I am making progress on the Pissedbaby blanket. I have committed to doing 6 rows a day and that should finish it in about 2 weeks. I did 6 rows yesterday and am about ready to sit down and do 2-3 rows when I get finished here. I am also making progress on my dd's sweater and it is going to be very nice. I really like the yarn I am using. The Bernat Satin is nice and soft and has a beautiful sheen to it.

Granddad wanted to go shopping for his grandson yesterday so here is what he bought. It looks huge in the picture, but is actually a 3-6 months size and the shoes are tiny little things. My son said the baby is going to be really big so he is afraid newborns will fit for "about 2 hours." Laugh He was a very big boy though (9 1/2 lbs and 23 inches long) so he has his dad's genes in that sense. I want to go back and get him a pair of OshKosh overalls and this little white tshirt that has an anchor on it so she can change out the shirts between the two.
WW is going fine and Jack is even giving it a try. We are writing pts on boxes and such so we don't have to figure every time and I am also writing down pts for stuff we use the same, like my favorite yogurt brand, cereal and such. I am figuring out points for my recipes and putting them straight on the sheets so we can have the pts readily available for those too. It makes it so much easier. I guess we are just a pts family now.
Today is the dreaded Grocery day at the you know where. Jack is gong with me today so maybe we can get finished faster. Seems the last few months, everytime I go it rains to beat the band so it will probably stay stone dry since Jack is gong. This little guy seems to be a lot faster than I am at the job!
On to morning chores and my walk.
When was anything you ever really wanted really easy! Question Mark

1 comment:

MarDi said...

Awww, what an adorable outfit! It's too much fun buying baby clothes, isn't it? Everything is so cute!

Good idea to break down knitting the blanket into manageable work each day. Two weeks will go by quickly enough, and your blanket will finally be finished - and with much less strain on your hands! Can't wait to see it when it's finished.

Thank you so much for the tip on casting on. I never had a chance to try it yesterday, as I started reading the Outlander, which I can't put down! Maybe will break away from it for a little while today to try casting on for the sleeves.

Hope the shopping goes well for you today!