Saturday, January 6, 2007

What used to be Howdy Dowdy and Bugs Bunny day is now Chuck E Cheese...

Today is the infamous trip to see the mouse at his house. I am taking my knitting for sure, but I sure hope I can find a detached chair to sit on because you sure can't knit in a booth and knit! Laugh. Drum roll please:

Drum Roll
I am down 6 lbs! I swore I was not going to get on the scales for a month, but they called to me and I got on them this morning.

I have a few more rows and the back of the sweater is finished. It is incredibly easy as it has no armhole decreases and the neckline is a boatneck so it isn't difficult either. I did put in the second pattern and didn't like it at all so ripped it back and put in a couple more of the pattern one. I think it will look really nice when finished. Cotton yarn can be hard to deal with though, because it seems to easily ravel and split.

I really would like to finish it up this weekend if I can. Oh and here is the skein of that delic yarn I am going to make myself a top out of. It is the lighest stuff you have ever seen. I got it so cheap too, under $4 a skein, of course for someone my size it took 13! Lol I mean, still, could I go into some shop and even get a top that would look like this in my size let alone get one that would cost less than $60? You definitely wouldn't be able to go into a department store or something and find a handknit one for $60 even in small sizes so I figure it was a great deal!
I am going out walking instead of the treadmill this morning. I can walk at least a mile doing it on land, but I tire easier on a treadmill so I like to walk outside when I get up the gumption to get clothes on and get out early. I always exercise early in the morning to get it done or I don't think I would do it.

Time to get the old bod going and get chores done etc. It should be light in half an hour or so and I can get outside.
Parting is such sweet sorrow Crying 1 ...until tomorrow, I bid you adieu Waving Donna

1 comment:

MarDi said...

6 lbs.!! Donna, that's so awesome!! You go, girl!! :D

The chenille... it was hell at first, because the woman at the LYS where I bought the yarn suggested US size 10 needles. I kept getting large loops and gaps in my knitting! I even tried crocheting it, and that was awful too. It wasn't until I went all the way down to US size 4 needles that it gave me a perfectly smooth (and lovely) result. After downsizing to the 4's, no problem at all!

Have fun at Chuck E. Cheese's today!