Friday, February 9, 2007


As I left to take Jack to work we started with freezing rain/sleet. I almost slid off the road about 2 miles from home, then I couldn't get across my deck as it was solid ice. When I finally got to the back door, the heavy storm door wouldn't unlock no matter what I did so I had to try and get back across the deck, walk all the way around the building to the front door, then I couldn't get the front door open! I finally got it open and am ok, but man is it nasty out there. I hate driving in this weather and I am now stuck. We have to pick up a rental car we have reserved today, but they said by noon the temp will be up so that it will melt. Thank goodness the dog's vet is a half block away on a city street so I am getting ready to take him as the city streets aren't bad it is the interstate such that is up in the air and it freezes.

I have weigh in today but it is at noon. If it is still nasty I probably won't go, but hopefully it will move through and the temps will rise to clear it up a bit.

I have all the parts to the sweater finished so all I have to do is press it and sew it together. I am a little nervous about setting in the sleeves, but I will just have to go slow.

I bought our airline tickets last night so we have those for vacation as well as our hotel reservation. Once we get our tickets I always think the vacation is a go!

I bought myself a little present last night. I was watching tv waiting for CSI to come on (which, btw, I am mad because they killed off Mike and I liked him) Anyway, I was channel checking and saw QVC had Maxx of New York handbags on. Big mistake gals! I love handbags and own about 50. I found one almost immediately and came right downstairs and ordered it. Now to tell Jack I spent over $100 and bought a handbag. He thinks women should have one in black so it goes with everything! AfraidNo Way!

Well, I am going to get Fortchy over to the vet before it gets too much worse. (11:00 AM, they just called and said Fortune would be ready at 11:30 and I ask her the total and she said $285! They are charging me $160 to pull a Pissed tooth! They quoted me $121 and I am going to read them the riot act and ask what the heck they would have done if I had gone to pick him up and I didn't have enough money? They never called and said anything about extra work needing to be done. I am furious and I plan on letting them know it.)

Everyone stay warm today!

Donna PS: 12:38 PM Because no one called me they cut $75 off the cost. The dopey girl that quoted me originally just quoted the cleaning, not the anethesia and stuff that goes with it. He also had to have an absessed tooth pulled and they didn't call me about it either. I was nice enough, but I made it clear I was unhappy. Also, I had WW weigh in at noon and I am down 7 lbs! Yes


Unknown said...

What a coincidence! I was flipping thru channels last night and landed on HSN and ALMOST got a necklace, they sold out before I could dial the phone!
I am looking forward to seeing the completed sweater. I'm sure it's beautiful.
Sounds like you had your hands full with the ice, hope you have thawed out by now.
Have a great weekend.

MarDi said...

Whoa, 7 pounds! That's awesome, big congratulations!

When I first started reading your post about the icy conditions, my first thought was "Eeek, don't fall, your knee!!" Sounds just as treacherous as the big ice storm we had here a few weeks back. I'm so glad that it warmed up enough for you to get around safely.

Like gstq, I can't wait to see the finished sweater!

Have a wonderful weekend.