Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Wilkinson Home Theater Presents....

The Illusionist. Wow was that a great movie. I put it in yesterday afternoon thinking I could watch and knit on my sweater, but got so involved the sweater just lay there. You don't think of Ed Norton as some romantic figure but he did a wonderful job and I just loved the movie. I wanted to watch one of the Judi Dench films, but didn't want to search through everything and it wasn't in front like I thought it would be. Jack must have been rummaging again.

My handbag came last night and it is beautiful. A nice light tan suede. Jack has a bet going with me I will use it before vacation. He refuses to hide it because he thinks it is funny. He was teasing me about buying another handbag, like I knew he would, but I gave him what for about "gadgets." The man has a computer superstore in his office, closet and in the attic. Everytime a new gadget comes out, he has to have it. We have cordless mice, cordless keyboards, flat screen pc monitors, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. I bet if you counted the mice he has, it is at least 10-15. Sheesh and he thinks I am bad. At least I use my handbags over and over, though a couple of them rarely because the size isn't right or I have one that is an adorable bag, but it is apple green and the size of a suitcase! Even I don't need that much room! I have pinks, yellows, blues, purples, greens, reds, aqua and that is besides the browns and a couple blacks. I do not have white as I don't like white handbags. I think they look cheap for some stupid reason. I have mostly leather, but a few suedes, vinyls, cloth and on and on. I even have an adorable pink checked one with red lady bugs that has fun fur around the top. Jack bought it for me a couple years ago to take to Vegas and it got left home! That'll teach him! Lol

I am now working on the peach sleeveless sweater for... Shockedmyself! I want to make a cardigan to go with it if I have time. I still have two ribbon tops to knit for Vegas so I have to get a move on. I think I will start a sweater for T when I go to Vegas and have it to knit on the plane if I wish.

Jack loves Nascar and Tony Stewart and our son teases that we moved to the south and became rednecks, so I bought this for baby Jack.

I am an ornery mama!
Time to hit the hay and snooze a little. Five AM gets her mighty soon.
For all my blogging friends:
I Love You Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Donna Hearts

1 comment:

MarDi said...

I love handbags too, you can never have too many!
The Nascar outfit is adorable, I bet your husband loves it! Bright racy orange, it makes a nice change from the usual blue for boys. :)
You gave me such a laugh with your comment about Fortune's SBD's!! LOL
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your DH. Hope the day has been a wonderful one!