Saturday, February 10, 2007

All quiet on the midsouth front...

All the bad weather went away by mid morning and though it is cold, it is dry and the sun is supposed to be out today. Looks like I am going to have to go out and walk in about 30 degrees this morning so I will have to bundle up. I don't think I am going to do the "monster" as I call the street next to the condo. It is usually the way I walk, but the street goes straight up a hill and is a killer. I am going to do a longer flat walk this am.

I found a couple good articles on seaming. I am nervous about putting the sleeve seams in. Can I ask a seriously stupid question? How can you tell a raglan sleeve from a regular one? I know what a sweater looks like that is raglan sleeved, but I don't know what an unsewn sleeve will look like and how I tell the difference since the pattern doesn't say.

I just got a Judi Dench movie from netflix called Mrs Brown. I am anxious to watch it. I believe it is about Queen Victoria and her relationship with a servant while grieving for her husband over a long periond of time. I can't wait to watch it, but I have tons of stuff to do this weekend still so don't know if I will get the time. My knitting is going to suffer until then.

My poor baby. He felt so bad last night. We just laid around all evening. I am sure his little gums are sore especially having a tooth pulled. We can dope ourselves with meds they come out of their anesthesia and have to deal with the pain. The dr gave me spray to put on his gums today and then start using in a couple days to brush his teeth with.

I am going to give a big Hugto Jack for losing another 3 lbs this week! He told me he can button his jeans without holding in his breath and tie his shoes without it cutting off his air! Lol

On to morning chores and my walk. Watch and Tide Waits for no Man,(John Skot) so better get a move on.

Donna Chocolate Valentine (hey, they're WW chocolates!)


Unknown said...

You will love the movie! Judi Dench is very convincing as Queen Victoria.
Hope Fortune gets to feeling better, nobody likes to have a tooth pulled.
Not sure about the raglan sleeve question but I'm sure Lions Paw will have the answer!
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Congrats to you and Jack for a combined 11 pound weight loss this week!

Lion's Paw said...

Since GSTQ2002 is so sure that I can answer your raglan question, here goes. On a raglan there would be virtually no shoulder width on the body piece. The armhole would slant sharply from the lower armhole opening to the neck. And the sleeve would have a shape that would somewhat fit into that shape, like a puzzle piece. On sweaters that have a fitted sleeve (as opposed to a drop shoulder) the sleeves tend to have an odd shape. The only raglan I've ever made was done from the top down and in one piece. So, I've never sewn one in.

Sorry about little Fortune's mouth. I made Amy homemade doggie for for a about a week till her gums were less sore. I used rice, fried up ground beef, a variety of vegetables (cleaned out the freezer) and fried up a couple of eggs and mixed in. She acted like she hadn't eaten for a week. It was a nice treat, but I had to cut her off when she started looking a bit pudgy.

You'll love Mrs. Brown. Great movie!

Lion's Paw said...

I meant homemade doggie FOOD...