Saturday, February 17, 2007

Passing your Skill Around...

I took my knitting with me to WW yesterday. I thought after weigh in that I would knit while waiting for the meeting to start. (I lost another 2 lbs btw) I was knitting and one of the ladies struck up a conversation with me about how to knit. She crochets and has knitting needles, but can't seem to understand how to do it. I showed her a couple things, but explained that I knit lefthanded so it would be backwards for her. I recommended KH for her to watch Amy's videos to really get a grasp on it. I seemed to have been able to clear the fog some for her so for that I am glad.

I got out and walked this morning. It was chilly but made worse by the fact that parts of my walk were into the wind and it is blowing at a pretty good clip this morning. I would still rather suffer through that than the darn treadmill.

After all that $$$$ on the car, the check engine light came back on yesterday so Jack has to take it back in and have them recheck it. I told him NOT to let them charge him for another diagnostic they should do it for free as it was only a week ago it was fixed. It is always something with your house or your car, I guess.

The ribbon top is coming along great though I am going through the cards of yarn at an alarming rate. I guess I am going to have to order more, but it is a bit more expensive than other stuff I usually buy so I want to get the end of my ribbon before I order more so I can see just how much of the top it will finish. I am also working on the peach and go back and forth between the two.

I printed out a cute sweater for Thomas to knit him for Christmas this year but I am not sure of the yarn colors. I may try and look for something else. I know he likes blue and I think green, but I am going to find a color I think would look good on him like maybe an emerald green with that red hair.

I saw a post and pic of a sweater this woman did in 9 days for a gift and was actually knitting on the plane, seaming in the airport trying to get it finished. It was a patterned sweater too. It was really very nice and got finished just in time.

Everyone have a great day and do something fun today!


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