Monday, March 19, 2007

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

It is gorgeous here, warm and sunny. I think we are to get some rain starting tonight though. Just as long as it isn't pouring and I can get my walks in, I don't care about the rain.

I got an email from my niece this morning. She her husband and dd will be here on Friday for a soccer tournament my grandniece is in. We are all going to get together on Friday night at Corky's (a famous BBQ place here in Memphis) for dinner. My dd, sil and my little scooter pie are coming too. It will nice though fattening. Jack and I will have to work hard the rest of the week following especially since we leave on Thursday the 28th for Indina. Luckily, Jack gets to take comp time for some weekend work he did a couple weekends ago so we get to leave at 9 AM instead of 3 PM. The afternoon would be driving all night and at our age, that ain't fun. No This way, we should be at my son's house around 9 PM their time with any stopping. We are taking sandwiches and snacks so we can keep to our points instead of doing restaurants.

Jack is going to have funny time off. He will have Thur-Monday off, work Tues, off Wed (memorial holiday for MLK's death the city employees get the day off,) work Thur, off Friday for Good Friday. We are going to go out and have breakfast Easter morning with dd, sil and grandson then go back to their house and let T hunt for eggs and I will give him his Easter basket from us. I bought him this cool, green plastic popcorn basket with movie size boxes of Reeses pieces, Smarties, a huge can of Doritos, a big chocolate bar and a big Crunch bar, 2 things of popcorn, a lamb Pez despenser, an M and M cylinder with the Red M and M key chain on top, the movies Flushed Away and Barnyard and $10 in movie certificates. I like to get him stuff other than regular Easter stuff as he gets three other baskets of that kind of junk.

The following Tuesday I leave for Little Rock to meet my sister that lives in California. Her inlaws live near Fort Smith and they are flying in for vacation to see them. She is going to drive to Little Rock for her birthday and we are going to hang out all day, shop, swim at the hotel pool etc. spend the night than go our separate ways again. I am going to buy her a little cake and we will have our own birthday celebration. Years ago we worked for the same law firm and used to go to Chinese buffets for lunch at least twice a week so we are going to go to a Chinese buffet for lunch that is only a mile or so from the hotel. Like old times. I do miss her. I haven't seen her in 18 months. It will be nice to just be us girls.

I am about halfway done with the front panel on my cardigan. I had trouble with understanding the directions, then felt stupid when I ask at KH what I was doing wrong. The directions aren't very clear and it is supposed to be an easy pattern so it should have had clearer directions about the V-neck decreases.

I guess I better sign off for now. I have more knitting I need to get done and other stuff I could be doing.



MarDi said...

Your weather sounds lovely, I hope we'll have a bit of that soon. A little more snow fell tonight, but very little in comparison to the foot of snow we received last Friday!

Lots of plans, busy lady you'll be in the coming weeks!

MarDi said...

Hi Donna,

It's been such a long time since your last post, and though I know it must be a very busy time for you I do hope that all is well with you and yours! You've been missed, and hope to see a new post from you very soon!
