Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween has come and gone...

The kids both had a fun time trick or treating this year. Jay said Jackson helped hand out candy, but wanted to eat it more than anything! lol Here he is in his little doggy costume. I was flabbergasted at how he had grown! He looks like a 3 year old instead of less than 18 months. His dad says he is the youngest in his group at day care, but is bigger than all of them. He is going to be his daddy for sure.
I forgot my camera and didn't get a picture of Thomas in his Futurama costume. The brain slug was hard to keep on as it was top heavy, but with a little wrangling we got it to stay. I don't think I said that after the Wall Street Journal article he was invited onto Good Morning America and here is the link to his national debut on television. He is now a star at school!

I am still trudging along with the candy cane hats. I just can't seem to get into a knitting mode. I have a friend who wants me to teach a knitting class to little kids and moms at St Judes. She is trying to arrange something. That should be interesting considering I knit left handed. Not continental, left handed.

Voting is done and we have a soon to be new president. If the white supremicists don't get him in the first year. They seem to be trying, that is for sure the scum. They have killed for a lot less. I am not impressed with him and could care less about his color. I think he will raise taxes for the very people he promises tax breaks to so he can fund his inflated welfare and social programs. Someone has to pay for it and the middle class always take the brunt of anything the government wants to do.

I seem to be destined to screw up the plumbing in this place. In the last year I broke off both spouts on both tubs and day before yesterday the shower head came off in my hand. Nice thing is I have a nice handheld now that I have always been wanting and all new fixtures on the tub since the plumber came in and replaced them all. They are original fixtures so thirty + years old so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that stuff has happened, but why can't it happen to Jack???

I have been doing some spring cleaning before the kids get here at Thanksgiving and boy it poops me out. I push myself too much, but stuff has to get done and I am the only one to do it the way I want it. I have made a lot of progress over the last couple days.

Guess I will sign off and get some breakfast fixed for Jack.